The Enjoying God All Day Journal

Put it into practice! The Enjoying God All Day journal is designed to help you increase the reality of God’s presence in your life. It will help you enjoy small wins by slowly increasing the frequency and depth of your relationship with the Lord.

The journal is designed to help you live with God as a real and present Person, Whom you invite into every kind of circumstance, to talk to, listen to, and to seek His leadership. You will see His hand guide you to help others enjoy a conversational relationship with Him.

It has a deliberate structure to help you go beyond where you are today in your conversations with Him. By increasing the frequency and depth of your conversation with God, you will enjoy an entirely new quality of life, one that surpasses anything you can imagine.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us… Ephesians 3:20